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Mark Espinal - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Mark Espinal
Nacido enNew York
19 years
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mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
God has not taken them from us – He has hidden them in His heart that they may be closer to ours.
*Patrick jay*grand Mama
God is so big he can cover the whole world with his love n so small he can curl up inside your heart.*Mark*(Luv Randi)
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
Constantly loved, ever remembered Ever in our thoughts.May your day be filled with heavenly beauty!
Melissa Eiler
Though we may not see Him, though we may hear Him. God is always with us. Keeping you always in my prayers. HUGS!
Mom,Dad, Alyssa, Mark Jr, Mack
Everyone loves you and wishes you were here with us. Can't believe you're gone sweet angel. Sending u our love always.
*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
In difficult moments,seek God.In quiet moments, worship God.In painful moments ,trust God.Every moment thank God.God bless*Mark*
Teri Drebit (Jaime's Mom)
Memories of you precious Mark will forever be alive and remembered in the hearts of all who love you and whose lives you touched
Nicky's MOM continued
Nothing is too hard for You.Jeremiah 32:17 TY for your love and support Randi.God Bless XO
Barb/Nicky's MOM to : Mark
Ah,Sovereign Lord,You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.
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