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Mark Espinal - Site Memorial Online

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Mark Espinal
Nascido emNew York
19 years
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PatrickJay*Grd Mama
"I have waited for the Lord.He stooped toward me & heard my cry"Ps 40:2
Bette Timmy Clark's mom
TU 4 alwys lightn candles and graphics 4 my baby tomorrow will b 3 yrs since he was taken frm me so brutally, luv my angels ♥♥♥
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Mark
Someone remembers, Someone cares; Your name is whispered in someone’s prayers.Hugs Randi
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
~Randi~"Encouraged yourselves daily while it is still "to day".Heb 3:12*MARK*
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
We wish we could have saved u from never needing breath for birthday candles,but we remember it happened anyway.+Mattie Stepanek+
Kathy ~ Ryan's Mom
Precious Mark, If love could have saved you, You would have lived forever. xx,♥ ((Randi))
Kathy ~ Ryan's Mom
Know that I am keeping him & you in my thoughts,prayers, & close in my heart. xx,♥
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Randi, I'm so sorry that I have so much trouble lighting candles for Mark. I'll keep trying...
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
The way home is love,the way home is loving each other. The way home is every good thing that God told us to do+ Mattie Stepanek+
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